20.6 Token
- **How do I get token decimals? **
The GetTokenClasses endpoint provides the token decimals as well as the isNonFungible flag which you can use to differentiate between NFTs and FTs
- How do I distinguish between token and NFT?
The GetTokenClasses endpoint provides isNonFungible flag which you can use to differentiate between NFTs and FTs.
- What is an instance?
An instance of a Non-Fungible Token (NFT) signifies its uniqueness. For example, GameToken #1 is distinct from GameToken #2. In contrast, instances of Fungible Tokens are represented by the value 0 as they are not unique.
- How do I identify an NFT ID in the transaction record?
For Non-Fungible Tokens, instance is used as a unique identifier whereas for Fungible Tokens will have 0 as their instance.
- What is GalaChain’s native token?
$GALA is the native token of the GalaChain network. It is utilized for all network fees, such as channel establishment and gas fees.
- Which channel is $GALA on?
The $GALA token is on the asset channel.
- Does $GALA have a token address?
$GALA (GalaChain) does not have an address.
- **How does an ERC-20 Token Contract work in GalaChain? **
The GalaChain Token Contract can produce multiple tokens. $GALA has been created on the asset channel.
- How do I get $GALA on production?
$GALA can be acquired via distribution (running a Founders Node) or by purchasing it (via GalaSwap on GalaChain or exchanges on ETH)
- Which channel can $GALA be transferred?
$GALA is held and transferred in the asset channel