11.1 Blockchain Item Token Request

Blockchain tokens consist of two parts: an ID and metadata. The ID is what identifies the token on the blockchain, and the metadata is additional information describing the token that is stored in a JSON file on a server, and the URI to that metadata is specified when creating the token. All of our item contracts will be using the ERC-1155 standard.

In order to bring blockchain tokens into existence, three steps need to happen:

  1. The token is created (Token Metadata): its fungibility is defined (explanation of the difference later in this section) and also the URI of the JSON metadata document. Once the token creation transaction is complete, the smart contract will return the ID of the token. Example: 0x0800000000000000000000000000000000
  2. The token is distributed: our distributor system will algorithmically distribute allowances to mint the item. The distributor is configured to distribute a certain amount to the Gala wallet, and a certain amount to be distributed to our node network. These allowances are stored off chain.
  3. Once a user claims an item given to them during the distribution, they pay a fee in ETH to cover the transaction fee needed to **mint **the item on the ethereum network. Once the fee transaction is confirmed, we will mint them an amount of tokens equal to the amount distributed to them and claimed. The same process is true for GalaChain tokens, however, there are no fees upon claiming the allowances

Alternatively, after step 1, the token can be listed in the store and purchased by a user, who now will have the ownership of that token

Click on the following link to jump to the Token Metadata Creation Process on the Creators Tool