20.3 Wallet

  • How do I create a GalaChain wallet?

The Gala API docs cover information on how to create examples and sign DTOs.

To set up a GalaChain wallet, you will need to do the following:
Go to https://games.gala.com and create an account.
Visit Account Settings, scroll down to the security section and select GalaChain Transfer Code.

Follow the instructions to create a Transfer Code, which functions as a password for interacting with a GalaChain wallet.

Ensure you keep a copy of the recovery phrase and store it securely where only you can access it. If you lose your Recovery Phrase, it can not be recovered. Click Continue once this is complete.

  • What is the GalaChain address format?

There are two GalaChain address formats:

  • ‘client|########################’ prefixed addresses are created by the Gala Platform.
  • ’eth|########################################’ prefixed addresses are created externally.

These conventions do not impact functionality on-chain in any way.

  • Is GalaChain address case-sensitive?


  • Is there a link to an on-chain transaction for this ‘eth|’ prefix address on Block Explorer?

Yes, the wallets you create using the endpoint provided will have addresses with the ‘eth|’ prefix. See link

  • Can addresses with the “client|” prefix format transfer funds to addresses with the “eth|” prefix format? And vice versa?

Yes. They’re all on the same network and can interact.